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Where Does Energy Efficiency fit in Commercial Real Estate Tenant Fit-Outs?

Written by: Joseph Werner

It’s no secret that the commercial real estate (CRE) office leasing and tenant improvement fit-out process is complex and involves many different steps. So when utilities consider incorporating energy efficiency into the process, they can often feel overwhelmed with uncertainty surrounding the optimal time for getting involved.  Waypoint Energy has leveraged its years of working with the CRE industry to create the diagram below – it breaks the process down into leasing and fit-outs and further into their associated steps. In doing so, Waypoint Energy has identified the “sweet spot” for the ideal timing when utilities can best strategically introduce the efficiency programs to their tenant-space customers. You can check out Waypoint Energy’s step-by-step analysis of this process and insights on utilities reaching out to buildings to include efficiency in their tenant space design in our resource here.

As with most aspects in the CRE industry, timing truly is key. Waypoint Energy knows that those involved in the leasing and fit-out process have a lot to juggle and accomplish in a short period. To Waypoint Energy, efficiency is a crucial aspect to include in the process; the strategic and effective timing of its introduction goes a long way, especially since tenant turnover doesn’t occur too frequently. Learn more in Waypoint Energy’s fact sheet “Efficiency in Office Leasing” on our Resources Page and reach out to us at for more details on incorporating tenant space engagement into your own utility programming.


©Waypoint Energy 2022

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